Recycling of carbide and tungsten alloys

Recycling secondary raw materials such as carbides and tungsten alloys is increasingly gaining in importance and is playing an ever-larger role in supplying the industry with raw materials and with regard to limited global resources. When new tools are manufactured from recycled carbide, the energy consumption is reduced by up to 70%, thus reducing the carbon dioxide footprint by as much as 40%. Recycling is therefore not only good for the environment but also profitable for all of us. NHT supports your recycling efforts and as a result makes an important contribution to sustainably improve our environmental footprint. Simply send us an email and ask for our free recycling service with transport box:

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Negele Hartmetall-Technik

Löwenstr. 94
70597 Stuttgart

Telefon +49 (0) 711 97948 – 0


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Negele Hartmetall-Technik

Löwenstr. 94
70597 Stuttgart (Germany)

Telephone +49 (0) 711 97948 – 0


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